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The General Manager submits an annual budget to the Finance Committee, which in turn presents it to the Board of Directors. In August, the Board adopts the annual fiscal year budget for the District’s General Fund prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Once approved, the Board may amend the adopted budget when unexpected modifications are required in estimated revenues and appropriations.
The budget is prepared in a detailed line item basis. Revenues are budgeted by source. Expenditures are budgeted by department and class as follows: salaries and benefits, supplies, maintenance, purchased and contracted services, and capital expenditures. Budget approvals for capital expenditures are subject to final review by the Board. The level of control is by department, which has been established by an Authority Matrix. Expenditures may not exceed appropriations.
The budget is prepared on a cash and expenditures basis. Revenues are budgeted in the year receipt is expected and expenditures are budget in the year that it is expected they will be made. The budget amounts presented in the budgetary comparison schedule represent the original and final amended budget as adopted during the year. The District does not appropriate current funds for estimates of expenditures for construction projects in the general fund. Instead, the District budgets for construction project expenditures on a project basis and not on an annual budget basis. All budget appropriations lapse at fiscal year-end. The District’s budget is used for management control and rate setting purposes.
The district is on sound financial footing. Standard and Poor’s Ratings Services established an ‘AA-‘ credit rating for the District in 2014. The financial statements show continued growth in net position and taxpayer equity. We increased bonded debt in 2014 for capital projects, and our budgeting and rate setting process is effective. Management and the Board of Directors effectively monitor and control expenses.
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