Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate

Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate

The Lakeway Municipal Utility District will hold a public hearing on a proposed tax rate for the tax year 2021 on September 8, 2021 at 9:30am at the District Office located at 1097 Lohmans Crossing. Your individual taxes may increase at a greater or lesser rate, or even decrease, depending on the tax rate that...
Water Matters: Dec 2023 edition

Water Matters: Dec 2023 edition

Cooler, rainy weather is here, but the drought is far from over. Historically, Texas is prone to extended periods of drought eased by flooding events. In fact, the last 20 years have been dominated by “abnormal dryness,” but in this same timeframe, the Texas Hill Country’s population has also doubled. It’s becoming increasingly important that...
Water Matters: Aug 2021 edition

Water Matters: Aug 2021 edition

National Water Quality Month (August) is dedicated to making the most of the relatively small amount of fresh water we have, because having clean water is vital to our individual health, our collective agricultural needs, and the needs of our environment. When Natural Disasters Strike, Be Prepared For the first time in history, the entire...
The future of water is compared to gold, oil

The future of water is compared to gold, oil

As published in the Lake Travis View, December 2020. Water scarcity has become a hot topic worldwide. In response, this month, for the first time ever, water found its way onto Wall Street, to be traded like other commodities such as gold and oil. According to Market Insider, water is being sold as contracts that...
Imagine a Day Without Water

Imagine a Day Without Water

As published in the Lake Travis View, October 2020. Imagine a day without water: a day without safe, clean, reliable water. Think of all the ways you use it. How much you depend on it. Each year, the national educational campaign, Imagine a Day Without Water, aims to bring this very important topic to the...
Appliances that Keep on Running (And Why That’s Not a Good Thing)

Appliances that Keep on Running (And Why That’s Not a Good Thing)

As published in Lake Travis View, August 2020 and Lakeway Voice, Sept. 2020. Appliances that Keep on Running (And Why That’s Not a Good Thing) Often times, our job as a water provider is to be a detective. Our customers are alerted by a high water bill, they give us a call, and we’re on...
Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate

Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate

The Lakeway Municipal Utility District will hold a public hearing on a proposed tax rate for the tax year 2020 on September 9, 2020 at 9:30am at the District Office located at 1097 Lohmans Crossing.
Choose Tap Water

Choose Tap Water

As published in Lakeway Voice, June 2020.   Choose Tap Water Water is essential. Not only for hygiene, irrigation, and cooking, but for our health. From newborns to adults to seniors, our bodies are primarily made up of water; everyday activities cause us to lose that water…especially in this Texas summer heat! Beyond hydration, water...
Exercising Our Freedoms, Maintaning Community Values

Exercising Our Freedoms, Maintaning Community Values

As published in Lakeway Voice, July 2020.   Exercising Our Freedoms, Maintaining Community Values On July 4, 1776, the United States of America declared their independence from Great Britain, thereby giving birth to a new nation. Our Declaration of Independence was written as a statement resisting the tyranny of British monarchical rule of the time,...
Being Mindful of Winter Averaging Can Help You Save Money Throughout the Year

Being Mindful of Winter Averaging Can Help You Save Money Throughout the Year

As published in Lakeway Voice, January 2020. Being Mindful of Winter Averaging Can Help You Save Money Throughout the Year With extra guests comes more water usage: showering, flushing, laundry, and washing dishes. Like most water utilities, Lakeway Municipal Utility District (LMUD) utilizes winter averaging. For LMUD customers, winter averaging started in November and goes...
Clean water is essential to protecting public health

Clean water is essential to protecting public health

As published in Lake Travis View, week of April 16, 2020. Clean water is essential to protecting public health Let’s take the time to celebrate and give thanks to all those who are helping us through this trying time: Our medical professionals are on the front line working fervently to aid the sick and keep...
April is Water Conservation Month

April is Water Conservation Month

As published in Lakeway Voice, April 2020.   April is Water Conservation Month Recently, we’ve all faced the panic of supply shortages. Many of the commodities we previously took for granted were not as readily available. Stores were faced with rethinking their supply and demand framework, putting strict limits on the items people were all...
High Water Bills? Check Your Irrigation Controller

High Water Bills? Check Your Irrigation Controller

As published in Lakeway Voice, March 2020. High Water Bills? Check Your Irrigation Controller Like all plants, grass needs deep, strong roots to thrive. When you water your lawn, your goal should be to soak it enough so that the water reaches to the end of the roots, which is best achieved through infrequent, prolonged...
Lakeway Heritage Committee Presents Lakeway Historical Marker to LMUD

Lakeway Heritage Committee Presents Lakeway Historical Marker to LMUD

On February 12, 2020 Lakeway MUD (LMUD) unveiled the Lakeway Historical Marker that was recently installed at their district office, located at 1097 Lohmans Crossing. The event was attended by the MUD’s current Board of Directors members and department managers as well as select Lakeway staff, council members, and Heritage Committee members. Speakers included Board...
Got leaks? DIY or call a plumber?

Got leaks? DIY or call a plumber?

As published in Lake Travis View, week of February 13, 2020. Got leaks? DIY or call a plumber? Fact: Each American uses an average of 88 gallons of water a day at home. According to the EPA, the average family can waste 180 gallons per week, or 9,400 gallons of water annually, from household leaks....
Greener Grass with Less Water

Greener Grass with Less Water

As published in Lakeway Voice, February 2020.   Greener Grass with Less Water Did you know that the average household, nationally, spends 50 percent of their water usage on outdoor irrigation? During the winter, most of us in Central Texas do not need to water our lawns on a routine basis, but to keep grass...
A Celebration of Water

A Celebration of Water

As published in Lakeway Voice, January 2020. A Celebration of Water Water is essential to all life on Earth, yet it cannot be manufactured. The same amount of water that existed from the beginning of time essentially exists today, but where it is in the water cycle and how humans interact with it determines its...
Amid Holiday Festivities, Please Protect Your Pipes

Amid Holiday Festivities, Please Protect Your Pipes

As published in Lake Travis View, week of December 5, 2019. Amid Holiday Festivities, Please Protect Your Pipes Mmmmm! Turkey, mashed potatoes with gravyand of course, pie! We’re all looking forward to our holiday feasts surrounded by family and friends, but as a local water and wastewater provider, we ask you to PLEASE consider what...
Save Year Round on Your Water Bills: Water Conservation Tips

Save Year Round on Your Water Bills: Water Conservation Tips

As published in Lakeway Voice, November 2019. Save Year Round on Your Water Bills: Water Conservation Tips from LMUD In September, we had an opportunity to attend a presentation by Bob Rose, LCRA’s chief meteorologist, hosted by Central Texas Water Efficiency Network. According to Rose, although we had a late start to summer, it ended...
Lakeway MUD to Increase Conservation Efforts

Lakeway MUD to Increase Conservation Efforts

As published in Lake Travis View, week of October 18, 2018. Lakeway MUD to Increase Conservation Efforts Lakeway MUD is constantly striving to improve our conservation programs to better preserve our precious water resources. There is one area, however, that needs improvement. The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) in their Best; Management Practices Water Conservation...