Rate OrderLMUD is authorized and required to establish, revise, maintain and collect rates and charges for all LMUD water, wastewater and reuse services and facilities, used and useful, both in and outside of LMUD’s coverage for both In-District and Out of District customers, which will enable LMUD to timely pay all indebtedness of its water and wastewater system, provide for a reserve for emergencies and contingencies as authorized and required by the Texas Water Code and the covenants and conditions contained in LMUD’s Orders which authorized the issuance and sale of its outstanding Water and Wastewater System Bonds. [icon name=”file-pdf-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=”red”] Download File |
Drought Contingency PlanThe Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) provides contracts to customers for water supply. In cases of extreme drought, periods of abnormally high usage, system contamination, or extended reduction in ability to supply water due to equipment failure, LCRA may require water customers to institute temporary restrictions to limit non-essential water usage. This Drought Contingency Plan is designed to protect the available water supply and protect the integrity of water supply facilities, with particular regard for domestic water use, sanitation and fire protection during the periods or other water supply emergencies. Water uses regulated or prohibited under this Plan are considered to be non-essential and continuation of such uses during times of water shortage or other emergency water supply conditions are deemed to constitute a waste of water.[icon name=”file-pdf-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=”red”] Download File |
Water Conservation PlanIn order to conserve and protect the integrity of the available water supply, with particular regard for domestic water use , sanitation, and fire protection, and to protect public health, welfare, and safety and minimize the adverse impacts of water shortage or other water supply emergency conditions, LMUD has formulated these policies, regulations and restrictions on the delivery and consumption of water.[icon name=”file-pdf-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=”red”] Download File |
Customer Service: (512) 261-6222 | Open House event 9/23-27: Learn More