Waste Not Want Not: Irrigating Your Garden in Central Texas (video)

Waste Not Want Not: Irrigating Your Garden in Central Texas (video)

Paula Wolfel, Grit and Grace GardeningLMUD Open House presentation, September 24, 2024 Waste Not, Want Not, Irrigating Your Garden in Central Texas Presenter: Paula Wolfel, Grit and Grace GardeningPaula will discuss the role of water in plant development and how water moves through plants, soil’s role in irrigation, and how to efficiently provide water to a…

Rainscaping: The next generation of water-wise landscaping (video)

Rainscaping: The next generation of water-wise landscaping (video)

Rob Tyler and Hunter Reed, Ecosystem Regeneration ArtisansLMUD Open House presentation, September 23, 2024 Rainscaping: The next generation of water-wise landscaping Presenters: Rob Tyler and Hunter Reed, Ecosystem Regeneration ArtisansCycles of flash flooding and drought present many challenges for home gardens and our ecosystem. With rainscapes, we can create conditions for plants to thrive in harsh…

Gardening for Pollinators – Low-Maintenance, Low-Water, High-Enjoyment (Video)

Gardening for Pollinators – Low-Maintenance, Low-Water, High-Enjoyment (Video)

Peter Keilty, Bees-For-AllLMUD Open House presentation, September 23, 2024 Gardening for Pollinators – Low-Maintenance, Low-Water, High-Enjoyment Presenter: Peter Keilty, Bees-For-AllBeekeeper and Lakeway resident Peter Keilty’s style of gardening has always been tailored to produce the best possible honey, but over the years his experimentation with native and adapted Texas plants has shown him that our Texas wildlife…

Fall 2024 Open House

Fall 2024 Open House

All Week: September 23 – 27, with presentations at 10am and 2pm daily, LMUD Administration Office, 1097 Lohmans Crossing Stop in any day this week to peruse a wide assortment of literature and water-saving giveaways. Presentations will be held each day at 10am and 2pm on a variety of water-related topics from landscaping tips to…

Celebrating the Red, White, And Blue with a 1st Place Win

Celebrating the Red, White, And Blue with a 1st Place Win

4th of July parades across the nation represent an opportunity for communities to come together in celebration of the birth of our nation. Each year, the City of Lakeway 4th of July parade celebrates America’s independence and the City’s rich heritage. “The parade is a testament to the community’s spirit, unity, and patriotism, and it…

Rainwater Harvesting in Central Texas

Rainwater Harvesting in Central Texas

Rick Scadden, local resident and environmental engineerLMUD Open House presentation, May 21, 2024 In communities where a public water system is not available, such as more rural areas, many homeowners drill private wells to tap into groundwater. The problem is that with Texas being prone to drought, water supply can be unreliable. Prior to 1995,…