Name of the District (HB 1154)

Lakeway Municipal Utility District

Name and term of office for each District Board Member (SB 2, HB 305, HB 1154)

Jerry Hietpas, Board President, term expires May 1, 2022
Larry Burmeier, Board Vice-President, term expires May 1, 2022
Lawrence M. Christian, Board Treasurer, term expires May 1, 2024
Don Goff, Board Secretary, term expires May 1, 2024
John Sayre, Director, term expires May 1, 2024

Contact information for main office of the District (mailing and physical address, and phone number) (SB 2, HB 305, HB 1154)

Lakeway Municipal Utility District
1097 Lohmans Crossing
Lakeway TX 78734-4459
Phone: (512) 261-6222 x110
Fax: (512) 261-6681

Official contact information for each District Board Member (SB 2, HB 1154)

Jerry Hietpas, Board President, jh******@la********.org
Larry Burmeier, Board Vice-President, lb*******@la********.org
Lawrence M. Christian, Board Treasurer, lc********@la********.org
Don Goff, Board Secretary, dg***@la********.org
John Sayre, Director, js****@la********.org

The name of the District’s General Manager (HB 1154)

Earl Foster, ef*****@la********.org

Information regarding contracted facility operator (name, mailing address and telephone number) (HB 1154)

Not applicable.

Information regarding contracted tax assessor-collector ( name, mailing address and telephone number) (HB 1154)

Travis County Appraisal District
850 E Anderson Ln
Austin, TX 78752
Phone: (512) 834-9317

The rate of the ad valorem tax (HB 1154), the sales and use tax rate (HB 1154), and any tax rate hearing notices (HB 1154)

The most recent tax rate hearing notices are available by clicking here.
Lakeway Municipal Utility District’s current rate order is available by clicking here.

Location and meeting schedule of District’s Board of Directors (HB 1154)

The Board generally meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 9:30 AM at the District’s Administrative Offices, at 1097 Lohmans Crossing, Lakeway TX 78734-4459.

A statement that the residents have a right to request a designation of a meeting location within the district (HB 1154)

Residents of the District have the right to request the designation of a meeting location within the District under Section 49.062(g), Water Code. A description of this process can be found at .

Each meeting notice and minutes of meetings for the current year and the preceding 12 months (HB 305, HB 1154)

The District’s agenda and minutes for the current year and the preceding 12 months are available by clicking here.

Conflict of Interest Disclosures (Texas Local Government Code Chapter 176)

Local Government Officer Conflicts Disclosure Statements are available by clicking on this link: _______ (PDF)
Conflict of Interest Questionnaire are available by clicking on this link (PDF)
Conflict of Interest Disclosures Form are available by clicking on this link (PDF)

Energy Consumption Reports (Texas Government Code Section 2265)

The District’s energy consumption reports are available by clicking this link:_____

Election Information (HB 305)

Elections for Directors of the District are conducted on the May uniform election date in even-numbered years. The next election for members of the Board of Directors of the District will be conducted on the first Saturday in May 2022, which is May 7, 2022.

The election will be conducted at the polling places established by Travis County to serve the county’s regular election precincts within the District, as required by Sections 42.0621 and 43.004 of the Texas Election Code. Similar to its most recent prior election, the District anticipates that Travis County will authorize voters to vote at any of the voting locations established by Travis County, and voters will not be limited to voting in the precinct where they are registered to vote.

Director candidacy filing requirements and deadlines are as follows:

  • To be qualified to serve as a Director on the District’s Board of Directors, a person shall be at least 18 years old, a resident citizen of the State of Texas, and either own land subject to taxation in the District or be a qualified voter within the District.
  • To run for election to the District’s Board of Directors, a person must file an application for a place on the ballot. The application must be filed with the Secretary of the District’s Board of Directors or the District’s Finance/Administration Manager by mail, fax, email or in person. An application may be downloaded/printed from the website of the Texas Secretary of State at
  • First day to file for place on May 7, 2022 general election ballot is Wednesday, January 19, 2022.
  • Last day to file for place on May 7, 2022 general election ballot is by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 18, 2022.
  • A person may run for election to the District’s Board of Directors as a write-in candidate and to do so must file a declaration of write-in candidacy. The declaration must be filed with the Secretary of the District’s Board of Directors or the District’s Finance/Administration Manager by mail, fax, email or in person. A declaration form may be downloaded/printed from the website of the Texas Secretary of State at
  • Deadline to file write in candidacy declaration for May 7, 2022 general election is by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 22, 2022.
  • The location(s) of the election will be posted upon determination.

Public Information Requests

To request public information, please direct your request to cu*************@la********.org or send by mail to Lakeway Municipal Utility District, 1097 Lohmans Crossing, Lakeway, Texas 78734-4459.

Internet Posting Requirements for Political Subdivisions