Note: Charges to Customer accounts will begin on the date service is made available, regardless of whether the Customer connects to LMUD’s system.
Potable Water charges: Potable water volume charges are calculated by the amount of water flowing into a home or place of business through the water meter assigned to each service address. LMUD water meters are read remotely at the beginning of every odd-numbered month (Jan., Mar., May, Jul., Sept., Nov.) and Customers receive their bill during the first week of each even-numbered month (Feb., Apr., Jun., Aug., Oct., Dec). LMUD customer rates can be found here.
Wastewater charges: Wastewater does not have a separate meter, so LMUD Customers are charged a set fee each fiscal year based on their water usage during “winter averaging” which takes place November through February each year. The lower volume usage of the two billing cycles during these months determines your volume charge for wastewater for the next 12 months. For more information, click here.
Late Fees: Bills are mailed and/or e-mailed (depending on the preferences you stated in your Service Contract) every two months. It is considered late after the Payment Due Date (see below). A penalty is added for all late payments. If service is terminated, a non-payment/reconnection fee must be paid in full to reestablish service.
Bill Sent Date* | Payment Due Date** | Meter Reading Date Beginning Range | Meter Reading Date End Range | Shut Off Date*** |
February 1 | February 20 | November 1-5 | January 1 – 5 | March 10 |
April 1 | April 20 | January 1-5 | March 1 – 5 | May 20 |
June 1 | June 20 | March 1-5 | May 1 – 5 | July 10 |
August 1 | August 20 | May 1-5 | July 1 – 5 | September 10 |
October 1 | October 20 | July 1-5 | September 1 – 5 | November 10 |
December 1 | December 20 | September 1-5 | November 1 – 5 | January 10 |
**If the Payment Due Date falls on a weekend or an Official District Holiday, the Payment Due Date shall be extended to the next full business day. Payment Due Date can also be extended at the discretion of the District.
***As of 8:01 A.M. on the Shut Off Date Customer will have their water Service terminated at the Service Address associated with the Account on the Shut Off Date. If the Shut Off Date falls on a weekend or an Official District Holiday, the Shut Off Date shall be extended to the next full business day. Shut Off Date can also be extended at the discretion of the District.