Getting Started: Early or Late Sewer Connection

STEP 1: A property owner in LMUD’s Out of District area makes an inquiry to LMUD about their options for obtaining wastewater service from LMUD.

Correspondence should be directed to Stephanie Threinen, LMUD’s Public Information Liaison by phone (512-261-6222 ext. 175), email (st****@la********.org), or by stopping by the office (1097 Lohmans Crossing, Lakeway, TX) during regular office hours (M-F 8am to 5pm, closed noon to 1pm). Details should include: your name, contact information, & association to the property (owner, builder, etc.); address of connection request; reason for connection request (new construction, failing septic system, remodel, etc); and date you would like to get connected.

STEP 2: LMUD determines the feasibility of the request and informs the owner.

Considerations include: reason for connection, distance of property from an existing main line, availability to meet preferred connection date, and other project-related factors in LMUD’s discretion.


Customer Rates

ODWW Project Fees

STEP 3: Property owner discusses their connection options with LMUD.

Options may include: 1). the property owner installs the low-pressure sewer system with their contractors of choice; primary materials, specs, and guidance on placement will be supplied by LMUD or 2). LMUD installs the system at their availability. For either option, LMUD is responsible for setting the tap for the final tie-in of the wastewater service line to the main line. Dependent on availability, decommissioning the existing septic system (if applicable) may be handled by LMUD or property owner. The haul/ disposal of liquid/ solids septic tank waste requires completion of a Manifest Trip Ticket for Hauled Liquid Waste form that will be filed by LMUD with LCRA. All paperwork will be stored in LMUD’s account file associated with the Service Address. Decommissioning the septic tank takes it out of service; the tank will not be removed.


Service Contract

Contract for Installation

Grinder Pump System Service and Maintenance Addendum

Plumbing Permit

STEP 4: Property owner completes paperwork and pays applicable fees through LMUD.

All property owners requesting a connection are required to fill out 1). a new Service Contract, 2). Contract for Installation, and 3) a Grinder Pump System Service and Maintenance Addendum. New customers may owe a service fee and/or security deposit. All ODWW Project Early or Late and/or Self-install opt-ins owe a one-time upfront, non-refundable fee due at time of signing; the fee includes: 1). application fee, 2). Capacity Reservation Fee (CRF) which includes the cost of LMUD-supplied materials, and 3). Inspection fee. Plumbers and Electricians for Early or Late Self-installs will need to submit a Plumbing Permit – no additional fees will be owed. LMUD-installed systems are no additional cost for labor.

For remodels and new construction, property owner or plumber completes additional paperwork and pays applicable fees through LMUD. Remodels that include plumbing alterations and new construction projects require the property owner or their hired licensed plumber to also complete a Plumbing Permit application and pay the additional inspection fees. New construction may also require a Water Tap fee. This is separate from the ODWW Project; Contact LMUD’s front desk for details: 512-261-6222 ext. 110.


Construction Examples

STEP 5: LMUD conducts a property assessment.

Prior to installation, LMUD will assess the location for the primary components of the low-pressure sewer (grinder pump) system for optimal functionality including the location of the grinder pump tank, control panel, and point of discharge into LMUD’s main line. This will be drawn up by a member of LMUD’s field team and must be followed during installation. Property owners will be consulted after this initial site visit and must sign off on the site assessment before the plans are finalized.

Review septic system diagram for properties with existing septic systems. LMUD will request this documentation from LCRA if the property owner does not have a current layout of their septic system available. If this diagram is inaccurate or incomplete, property owner will be responsible for supplying a valid diagram of their system to LMUD.

Review plans for new construction. The property owner or contractor should provide building plans to LMUD for reference. The plan should indicate the proposed location at which the wastewater plumbing lines exit the foundation.

For Self-installed connections, LMUD provides specs to contractor of property owner’s choice. Referencing LMUD’s provided specs, including result of property assessment, owner and contractor(s) agree on design and scope of project as well as procedures, schedule, and cost estimate. No submissions to LMUD are needed. To prevent delays, materials should be requested from LMUD at least two (2) weeks in advance of anticipated installation date.

For LMUD-installed connections, LMUD will assess anticipated damages and repair needs. During this assessment, LMUD may ask property owner to test their in-ground irrigation system and/or landscape lightening, if applicable. They will also assess any potential work that the homeowner must perform prior to construction that is beyond our scope of work as well as any potential damage that may be caused during construction to landscaping and solid structures. LMUD will make every effort to repair all damages, but will notify property owner in advance if any anticipated repairs are beyond their scope of work, in which case, the property owner will be responsible for making repairs once construction is complete. LMUD will not be responsible for replacing any ground covering (such as sod, rock, stone, etc.), however will lay topsoil and regrade the area to pre-construction levels.


Standard Details (all)

Standard Details: Grinder Pump System only

Low Pressure Sewer System Installation Requirements (all)

Electrician Checklist

Plumber Checklist

Contents of Grinder Pump Install Kit

TCEQ Septic Decommission Guidelines

Manifest / Trip Ticket for Hauled Liquid Waste

STEP 6: Perform system installation and electrical connection.

For LMUD-installed systems, property owner must wait for LMUD to notify them of their start date. Self-installed systems may be installed at property owner’s convenience, except those requiring an LMUD main line extension, in which case, the property owner must wait for LMUD to notify them of its completion prior to final tie-in to the wastewater main.

For Self-installed connections, LMUD provides materials to contractor of property owner’s choice. At no additional expense, LMUD will deliver to the property (or make pickup available) the following materials which must be used in the system installation following LMUD’s provided specs: grinder pump tank and contents plus electrical control panel and contents. These materials should be on-hand prior to breaking ground. All other required supplies are the property owner’s or their contractor’s responsibility to source and provide.

For Self-installed connections, property owner or contractor contacts LMUD to perform required inspections. There should be a total of three (3) inspections (additional charges may apply if system fails an inspection):

    1. Tank Set: to ensure the tank is level, secure, and depth is met.
    2. Sewer Yard Line: to ensure depth and bedding requirements are met.
    3. Final: to verify system is operational and meets all of LMUD’s specifications.

The first two inspections will be performed by LMUD’s field team representatives. Contact the main office at 512-261-6222 ext. 110 to schedule these inspections. The final inspection will be performed by LMUD’s Chief Plumbing Inspector, Troy Gray of IO Inspections, and scheduled by LMUD once final tie-in is complete.

For all “Early” or “Late” connections and Self-installs, the property owner is responsible for hiring an electrician. Even with early or late LMUD-installed systems, property owners opting to connect early or late are responsible for hiring an electrician to bring 240-volt electricity to the control panel for the grinder pump.

LMUD will extend the wastewater main line to property (if applicable) and set tap. For all installation options, LMUD will be responsible for any needed extension of the wastewater main as well as setting the tap for the property’s service line to tie into. Timeline is based on such factors as the overall project schedule, cost, labor availability, and other factors affecting LMUD’s ability to perform this work.

Decommission existing septic system, if applicable. LMUD or Property Owner (dependent on availability) will be responsible for decommissioning the existing septic tank at a connected Service Address following Texas Administrative Code, Title 30, Part 1, Chapter 285, Subchapter D, RULE §285.36. The haul/disposal of liquid/solids septic tank waste requires completion of a Manifest Trip Ticket for Hauled Liquid Waste form that will be filed by LMUD with LCRA. All paperwork will be stored in LMUD’s account file associated with the Service Address. Decommissioning the septic tank takes it out of service; the tank will not be removed.


Grinder Pump System Maintenance Guidelines

LMUD Rate Order

STEP 7: LMUD administration assigns wastewater charges to property.

Once installation is complete, LMUD’s district office must be notified of the change in wastewater service to the property. A completed work order will be sent directly to the main office from LMUD’s field team personnel indicating the tie-in date to initiate this change in service adding wastewater charges and a Grinder Pump Service/Maintenance fee to the account.

Switch customer on file, if applicable. With new construction or when there is a renter at the property (among various other reasons), the account should be switched to the name of whomever will be paying the future water and wastewater charges (ie: property owner or tenant).

LMUD is responsible for repair and maintenance work of the system. Once the system is operational, LMUD will take control of any maintenance or repair needs to the main components of the system (grinder pump tank and control panel). The property owner is responsible for following proper maintenance of the system as well as contacting LMUD to schedule any needed repairs. Details can be found in LMUD’s Rate Order. LMUD may enter private property without prior notice to inspect or test a private wastewater service line if wastewater is exposed on the property in a manner that creates a potential public health hazard. Otherwise, LMUD will give the customer on file for the account at least 24 hours’ notice before utility personnel enter private property to conduct an inspection or test.