Lakeway MUD to sell Lohmans Cedar Tract

As published in the Lake Travis View, week of November 26, 2015
Lakeway MUD to sell Lohmans Cedar Tract
Lakeway MUD has taken the first big step toward doing something different with the Lohmans Cedar Tract. After many years of tedious engineering, and one full year of working with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), we are pleased to announce that Lakeway MUD has been able to relieve the Lohmans Cedar Tract from its irrigation permit. The Lakeway MUD Board declared this piece of land surplus at its November board meeting and has developed an RFP for anyone interested in the property. The RFP has a bid date for receiving all bids by January 27th at 2:00 PM.
The Property abuts the recently opened Oaks at Lakeway Commercial Center on Ranch Road 620. The land is located on the north and along the east side of Lohmans Crossing Road in a neighborhood that has retail, residential, institutional and office uses. It is in close proximity to the recently opened Lakeway Regional Medical Center, as well as The Oaks at Lakeway development, which is under construction on the tract of land immediately to the east of the land at RR 620 and Main Street. This mixed-use development is intended to serve as the town center for the City of Lakeway. It is anchored by an HEB grocery store, with approximately 175,000 square feet of entertainment, dining and shopping space for the residents of Lakeway.
Legal Description; Approximately eighty-one (81) acres of land, more or less, being all of lot One, Lakeway M.U.D. E-5 Tank Final Plat, a subdivision in Travis County, Texas according to the map or plat thereof of record under Document No. 200800329, Official Public Records of Travis County, Texas, and commonly referred to as 1931 Lohmans Crossing Road in Lakeway, Texas SAVE AND EXCEPT that certain tract of land described comprising approximately 1.043 acres of land out of the Jasper Woodridge Survey No. 196 which is currently used by the District as the Tank Site for the E-5 Tank (the “Property”).
This will be a unique opportunity for a developer to develop a large piece of acreage in the heart of Lakeway.
On another note:
The Water Management Plan the LCRA uses to manage Lakes Buchanan & Travis was approved by the TCEQ. The plan will replace the existing plan that was approved in 2010. There has been a considerable amount of time and effort put into this plan by LCRA, TCEQ and many stakeholders. We are hopeful that this revised plan will protect the needs of drinking water customers and prevent the Highland Lakes from being drained to dangerously low levels as we have seen these past couple of years. The new plan raises the trigger levels for releases of water to downstream users, which keeps more water in the lakes. “The plan establishes three sets of operating conditions to determine the availability of interruptible stored water, which is primarily used by agricultural customers downstream (LCRA 2015).”
Even though conditions are better, we all need to remember to conserve water. Thank you for your cooperation and support. We will keep you informed on our website and by our banners on Lohmans Crossing and Lakeway Boulevard. For additional information please visit our website at