Lakeway MUD Board Approves Resolution Backing Watson’s Bill

LAKEWAY, Texas—The Lakeway Municipal Utility District’s Board of Directors unanimously approved a resolution Wednesday, May 6, in support of proposed legislation by state Sen. Kirk Watson, D-Austin.
The MUD board’s action indicates agreement with the City of Lakeway on the compromise legislation, which would allow all qualified voters living within Lakeway MUD and within Sections 1 through 17 to vote in MUD elections. Proposed language includes expanding MUD board membership to a total of seven, five of whom own property or live within the MUD and up to two of whom are residents of Sections 1 through 17.
Tom Rogers, president of Lakeway MUD’s Board of Directors, said: “We applaud Senator Watson for sponsoring this compromise legislation and for his leadership on this issue. Both Lakeway MUD and the City of Lakeway stand behind this new bill. We believe it will resolve differences of opinion that have surfaced over MUD governance.”