
Pilot Phase Underway for ODWW Project

This is a copy of a letter that was sent out to affected homeowners:

Lakeway MUD (LMUD), your potable water service provider, has started the pilot phase of the previously announced Out of District (OD) Sewer System Project that is currently or will soon be affecting your street. This letter is just to notify you of what to expect. Know that there is no action required on your part, but if you have any concerns or questions, an LMUD contact for you can be found at the end of this letter.

As a reminder, back in May 2018, the LMUD Board passed a resolution to move forward with the proposal to install a public sewer system in the first 17 sections of Lakeway (the area now designated by the “Old Lakeway” street signs). We have named this our “Out Of District Waste Water (ODWW) Project” since this area is and will continue to be outside of LMUD’s jurisdiction – meaning home owners will continue to not pay taxes to LMUD. As was stated in the information letters we mailed and e-mailed out and in the public meetings we held in February and March, this continues to be an optional program for the affected home owners. Under no circumstances will home owners be forced to switch from their current septic tank and hook up to our provided public sewer system. This has been a cause for concern so we want to make this point very clear!

This ODWW Project is currently in the pilot phase, meaning that we are extending existing public sewer lines to just certain areas to accommodate homeowners who have notified us that their existing septic tank has failed, requiring them to either replace it or hook up to our alternative option. The home owners who have opted in to be hooked up during this pilot phase have been required to pay an early hook up fee of approx. $3,500 plus electricity to grinder pump, then a monthly base rate plus their water usage fees. The early hook up fee will not be assessed to those home owners who hook up at their scheduled time in the forthcoming future (details will be coming soon).

With this pilot phase, each affected street will see construction along the right-of-ways where we will be laying the pipe. Our construction crews will do their very best to not impede your regular ongoings, however there will be noise during the daylight hours and some landscaping that is along the roadway that will need to be disturbed. At night, any holes will be covered up with plywood and traffic cones will be left out. Construction equipment will be left onsite, but out of the way of traffic. All affected areas will be repaired once the crew is done working on the full length of that street before moving onto the next street. The crew is being careful to take note of any areas of property they may have damaged and will repair this at the same time. PLEASE stay clear of a work site day or night!

We know that any construction is a nuisance to the surrounding residents and we will do everything we can to keep the impact as minimal as possible, but please keep in mind that your neighbors have requested a service that requires some community impact. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. We appreciate your understanding and attention to this development.


Your LMUD contact for this project is:

Stephanie Threinen, LMUD Public Information Liaison
E-mail: st****@la********.org
Phone: (512) 261-6222 x175


Thank you,

Earl Foster, LMUD General Manager