ODWW Project Timeline
The Project impacts the first 17 sections of Lakeway, an area with properties currently primarily served by personal septic systems.
Regular, Early, and Late Connection Options
Lakeway MUD continues to make steady progress with our Out of District Wastewater (ODWW) Project, offering homeowners in the first 17 sections of Lakeway the option to convert from septic to public sewer service, although at a slower pace than initially presented in 2018 before the project began (pre-pandemic and supply chain issues), but with…
Project Update to LMUD Board: May 11, 2022
The Lakeway Municipal Utility District (LMUD) Board of Directors invited Stephanie Threinen, LMUD Public Information Liaison to present at the May 11, 2022 Board of Directors meeting to give a general overview of the communications aspect of the Out of District Wastewater (ODWW) Project: Workflow There are many moving pieces to this project with a…
Getting Started: Early or Late Sewer Connection
STEP 1: A property owner in LMUD’s Out of District area makes an inquiry to LMUD about their options for obtaining wastewater service from LMUD. Correspondence should be directed to Stephanie Threinen, LMUD’s Public Information Liaison by phone (512-261-6222 ext. 175), email (stepht@lakewaymud.org), or by stopping by the office (1097 Lohmans Crossing, Lakeway, TX) during…
ODWW Project Update: Preparing for Phase 1 Connections
Here we are in a brand new year. We made it through 2020 and are ready to tackle whatever 2021 has in store for us! Our last public meeting on the Out of District Wastewater (ODWW) Project was in May 2019. We had planned to have another in-person gathering Summer 2020, but unfortunately COVID-19 protocols…
ODWW Project: Sewer Connection Options
Our Out of District Wastewater (ODWW) Project has been in full swing since May 2019 when we first broke ground to start running wastewater lines around the Live Oak Golf Course. These “main lines” are the wastewater pipes which all interested customers in the Phase 1 area of the Project will eventually be able to…
LMUD approves Self-installs for ODWW Project
In response to a rapid influx of requests for an Early Connection from customers opting to switch from septic to sewer service, LMUD recently approved the option of performing Self-installs of a grinder pump system.
ODWW Project Update: Bring It On! We’re Moving Forward
A pandemic, unprecedented snowstorm, followed by supply and staffing shortages, topped off by a longer-than-normal rainy season…bring it on! You may slow us down, but we’ve got work to do and we’re moving forward. Project Background Over the years, inquiries piled up from customers in our “Out of District” service area wanting to convert their…
Capital Improvements Underway for Lakeway
The project is expected to take another seven years to complete, but the majority of the critical infrastructure is being put in place now, hence all the ruckus!
ODWW Project Q&A
Why is part of Lakeway on septic while the rest of Lakeway is connected to a public sewer system? Lakeway was founded in 1962 with the construction of the Lakeway Inn and Marina. Between April 1962 and April 1971, the first 17 residential sections of Lakeway were built – the area now delineated by the…
Tips for Extending the Life of your Septic System
As we move forward with our Out of District Wastewater (ODWW) Project, we are trying to accommodate as many of our customers as possible who notify us of their failing septic system. Although we do have an early connection option, we are trying to reserve it for our customers who have exhausted all other options….
LMUD Contracts with Local Contractor for Portion of ODWW Project
In 2018, Lakeway Municipal Utility District (LMUD) started plans for their Out of District Wastewater (ODWW) Project, to bring a public sewer system to the first 17 sections of Lakeway, after a residential survey revealed about 80 percent of property owners would choose to connect if it were made available. LMUD resolved to handle the…
ODWW Project Update: Bid Choice Adjusts Project Timeline
Lakeway Municipal Utility District (LMUD) has continued to move forward in their efforts to bring a much needed public sewer system to the first 17 sections of Lakeway, an area currently dominated by aging septic systems. Dubbed the “Out of District Wastewater (ODWW) Project,” the Project aims to offer the option to over 1,000 Lakeway…
Conservation with Reuse: Presentation
LMUD participated in a panel session at the Symposium on the topic of “Reuse as a Resource” focusing on the history and growth of LMUD’s recycled water system.
Lakeway MUD to Increase Conservation Efforts
As published in Lake Travis View, week of October 18, 2018. Lakeway MUD to Increase Conservation Efforts Lakeway MUD is constantly striving to improve our conservation programs to better preserve our precious water resources. There is one area, however, that needs improvement. The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) in their Best; Management Practices Water Conservation…
Wise use of irrigation-system controller pays off
As published in Lake Travis View, week of February 1, 2018. Wise use of irrigation-system controller pays off Since spring is around the corner, some of you will be turning on your irrigation system for the first time since last fall. I want to advise you to be careful and not just turn on the…
Winter Averaging calculations add usage incentives
As published in Lake Travis View, week of December 21, 2017. Winter Averaging calculations add usage incentives We have had some cold cloudy weather so far this winter. With the chill in the air and the damp conditions, it is easy to forget about the fact that we are in beginning stages of a severe…
Lakeway MUD tackles zebra mussels, wastewater, irrigation
As published in the Lake Travis View, week of July 19, 2019. 22 Lakeway MUD tackles zebra mussels, wastewater, irrigation We got lucky this summer with milder weather and more rain than normal! Recent years brought Austin’s hottest summers on record – 2018 was the third hottest with 48 days on record reaching 100 degrees…
Pilot phase of district’s wastewater project underway
As published in the Lake Travis View – week of February 29, 2019. Pilot phase of district’s wastewater project underway Lakeway MUD (LMUD) has started the pilot phase of the previously announced Out of District Wastewater (OODWW) Project. As of mid-February, nine homes have been successfully switched from operating on their personal septic system to…