Return to Stage 1 (Twice Per Week) Irrigation Schedule

Thanks to the recent rain, local news stations, such as KVUE, are reporting that the US Drought Monitor has removed the Austin area from any drought classification for the first time in more than two years. This is great news, but it is not the full story. It will take an unseasonable amount of rain in the right places to replenish our water resources (Lakeway’s only source for raw water is Lake Travis, currently at 42% full according to LCRA’s River Operations Report), reversing the impact of years of—and continuing—”hydrological drought.” How Texans decide to use (or not use) water has a major impact on the available water supply.

While our Drought Contingency Plan triggers now allow for “Stage 1” (two-day per week automatic irrigation) watering restrictions, we urge our customers to continue to use water wisely. If the combined storage of lakes Buchanan and Travis falls below 900,000 acre-feet (currently at 1,107,603 acre-feet), we will return to Stage 2 (one-day per week) watering restrictions. Unattended irrigation (inground irrigation system, timed soaker/drip, hose-end sprinkler) is allowed only on the following days. No irrigation is allowed between 10am and 7pm. Hand watering is allowed at anytime.

  • Addresses ending in 0,1,2,3: Monday and Thursday
  • Addresses ending in 4,5,6: Tuesday and Friday
  • Addresses ending in 7,8,9: Wednesday and Saturday
  • Commercial customers: Tuesday and Friday
  • No watering is allowed on Sundays

Penalties for not following watering restrictions continue to be fully enforced. The LMUD Board approved an increase from $200 to $500 for the first offense after an initial notification; second offense penalties have been increased from $500 to $1,000. Notices prior to a penalty are sent to the current account holder’s primary e-mail and/or phone number; please ensure your contact information is up to date by contacting customer service at cu*************@la********.org or (512) 261-6222 during regular business hours.

Water leaks, unattended hoses, and inefficient irrigation systems are big causes of unnecessary water loss and therefore enforceable by penalty as water waste or negligence. LMUD customers should watch for notifications as well as utilize their WaterSmart portal for access to detailed information about their household’s water use: track water usage down to the hour, self-identify and resolve leaks, understand where water is being used, compare use to similar households, and set water use alerts. For more information, visit

LCRA offers LMUD customers residential rebates of 50 percent of the total cost, up to $600 per residential property, for new pool filters and covers as well as irrigation evaluations, retrofitting or replacing irrigation system equipment, aeration, compost & mulch, and soil testing. A Turf Replacement rebate is coming soon! For information, visit