Summer Conservation Tips

Conservation of potable water is a year-round consideration. Water should always be used wisely. Because our area is drought-prone and water production and delivery facilities can fail, you may be required to take the following restrictive action during water shortages:
- Mild Conditions – Recommend watering twice per week between 7 p.m. and 10 a.m.
- Moderate Conditions – Watering lawns restricted to twice weekly based on the last digit in your address between 7 p.m. and 10 a.m. Washing of paved areas not allowed.
- Severe Emergency Conditions – All water use outside is prohibited. Watering of plants and shrubs and home car washing by bucket is permitted. No commercial or charitable car washing allowed.
When violations of the above procedures are noted the following actions will be taken:
- First violation – Form letter and a telephone call to solicit cooperation.
- Second violation – Signed letter explaining the need to comply with all conservation measures.
- Third violation – Discontinuance of service. Restoration of service will require payment of the usual fee.
When it becomes necessary to restrict water usage, Lakeway MUD will make every effort to notify customers of the condition in effect and the actions being triggered. If time permits, a special notice will be mailed to all customers regarding a severe emergency.
We thank you for sharing our concern for water conservation and for your cooperation during drought conditions and facilities failure, should either occur. Working together, we can assure fair distribution of this precious resource to all.
The entire Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plan may be reviewed at the District’s Office.