Watering Restrictions Update and Resources
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Watering Restrictions Update and Resources

Thank you to all of our customers who attended our public meetings in late March/early April to discuss changes being proposed to our Drought Contingency Plan, which affects the watering restrictions for our service area. With almost 100 people in attendance at each meeting, we appreciate the respectful feedback we received at the meetings, as…

When can you water your lawn?

When can you water your lawn?

There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding irrigation schedules and rightly so! If you’ve watched or read the news lately, you may have seen a lot of seemingly conflicting information about watering restrictions. It’s important to know that every utility/water provider implements different restrictions that impact their customer base only. If you are…

Drought Rate Fee Structure Approved By LMUD Board of Directors

Drought Rate Fee Structure Approved By LMUD Board of Directors

At the latest LMUD Board of Directors meeting, held April 12, 2023, the Board approved a motion to add a Drought Rate fee structure to the LMUD Rate Order in the event Stage 3 restrictions are enacted from the LMUD Drought Contingency Plan. This includes increased rates for top-3 tier water users (using above 30,000…

Water use tips cannot be repeated enough
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Water use tips cannot be repeated enough

As published in the Lake Travis View, June 2020. “Pay attention!” Hearing something once is never enough. We are exposed to repetition throughout our lives as a way to help us learn new skills and information. Messages are frequently repeated, sometimes with increasing urgency, to make a message stick and hopefully lead others into action….

Drought Management is in Effect (and Has Been)
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Drought Management is in Effect (and Has Been)

As published in the Lake Travis View, May 2022. Many of you will remember living through the drought that started in 2011. Texas experienced the driest year on record as well as its second hottest, according to the National Weather Service, with only 14.8 inches of rain and Austin reporting over 90 days that climbed…

Water Matters: August – November 2022 edition
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Water Matters: August – November 2022 edition

[icon name=”file-pdf-o” unprefixed_class=”red”] Printable Version No water to drink, or wash your hands with. No water to shower, flush the toilet, or do laundry. Hospitals would close without water. Firefighters couldn’t put out fires and farmers couldn’t water their crops. Disease would spread. Imagine a Day Without Water is held this year on October 20….

Beneficial reuse prevents wastewater discharge, promotes conservation
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Beneficial reuse prevents wastewater discharge, promotes conservation

As published in the Lake Travis View, August 2021 There’s been a lot of talk lately about the algae blooms around the Austin area. As a water provider that uses the Highland Lakes as our only source for raw water, we know that while most algae are harmless, some contain cyanotoxin that can be harmful…

Test Your Knowledge at the Earth Day Fact Find
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Test Your Knowledge at the Earth Day Fact Find

Update: Great job to everyone who participated in our Earth Day Fact Find. You are all very knowledgeable about ways to reduce waste and protect our environment to ensure a beautiful Lakeway for years to come.  We had over 60 entries! 3 winners of our conservation prize pack were chosen at random. Our 2021 Winners…

Choose Tap Water
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Choose Tap Water

As published in Lakeway Voice, June 2020.   Choose Tap Water Water is essential. Not only for hygiene, irrigation, and cooking, but for our health. From newborns to adults to seniors, our bodies are primarily made up of water; everyday activities cause us to lose that water…especially in this Texas summer heat! Beyond hydration, water…

Being Mindful of Winter Averaging Can Help You Save Money Throughout the Year
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Being Mindful of Winter Averaging Can Help You Save Money Throughout the Year

As published in Lakeway Voice, January 2020. Being Mindful of Winter Averaging Can Help You Save Money Throughout the Year With extra guests comes more water usage: showering, flushing, laundry, and washing dishes. Like most water utilities, Lakeway Municipal Utility District (LMUD) utilizes winter averaging. For LMUD customers, winter averaging started in November and goes…

Clean Pipes are Green Pipes
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Clean Pipes are Green Pipes

Take Care of Texas is a statewide campaign from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality that provides helpful information on Texas’ successes in environmental protection and encourages all Texans to help keep our air and water clean, conserve water and energy, reduce waste, and save a little money in the process! Simple steps to keep…

A Watering Guide for Texas Landscape
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A Watering Guide for Texas Landscape

Pickup this guide and other helpful water-saving literature at the LMUD district office located at 1097 Lohmans Crossing. A Watering Guide for Texas Landscape is published and provided by Texas Water Development Board in collaboration with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. Introduction Because Texas enjoys a vibrant economy and continued population growth, ensuring we have…

Be Water Wise at Home

Be Water Wise at Home

Take Care of Texas is a statewide campaign from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality that provides helpful information on Texas’ successes in environmental protection and encourages all Texans to help keep our air and water clean, conserve water and energy, reduce waste, and save a little money in the process! In the Bathroom Turn…

Clean water is essential to protecting public health
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Clean water is essential to protecting public health

As published in Lake Travis View, week of April 16, 2020. Clean water is essential to protecting public health Let’s take the time to celebrate and give thanks to all those who are helping us through this trying time: Our medical professionals are on the front line working fervently to aid the sick and keep…

April is Water Conservation Month
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April is Water Conservation Month

As published in Lakeway Voice, April 2020.   April is Water Conservation Month Recently, we’ve all faced the panic of supply shortages. Many of the commodities we previously took for granted were not as readily available. Stores were faced with rethinking their supply and demand framework, putting strict limits on the items people were all…