Updated Irrigation Restrictions

At the January 8, 2020 Board of Directors meeting, the Board approved a new irrigation schedule that would help mitigate peak loads in system-wide usage trends. This new schedule is inline with other water utilities in the area. It marks a continuation of the June 2019 LMUD Board of Directors meeting where the Board approved a move towards additional water conservation efforts by enforcing the two-day irrigation schedule, previously reserved for May through September, year round.

These water restrictions affect irrigation schedules pertaining to outdoor use of an in-ground/automatic irrigation system or hose-end sprinkler.

Watering Hours: Midnight to 10 a.m. & 7 p.m. to Midnight
NO WATERING 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Irrigation reminder magnets available at the district office.

Stage 2: Normal Conditions

During Phase 2 restrictions, watering by hand, power washing, car washing, etc. are allowed any day at any time.

Using the last digit of your address, irrigate only on the following days:

MONDAY & THURSDAY0 • 1 • 2 • 3 
TUESDAY & FRIDAY4 • 5 • 6 + commercial* 

As a friendly reminder, passers-by will see new banners with the schedule when driving along Lohmans Crossing and entering the community from Lakeway Boulevard. They will be switched out with other LMUD banners throughout the year.

New irrigation schedule banner on Lohmans Crossing.
New irrigation schedule banner at the Lakeway Blvd. entrance to Lakeway.

Reminder magnets are also being mailed out to each LMUD customer. New residents may pick up a magnet at our district office located at 1097 Lohmans Crossing. These magnets include messages about water conservation and protecting our pipes:

  • Regularly check your automatic irrigation controller. Power outages and storms can affect their schedule.
  • Flushable wipes and F.O.G. (Fats, Oils, Grease) clog pipes. Please throw them in the trash.

Additional information on the new schedule can be found here.