Water Conservation Reminder

We are currently under MODERATE CONDITIONS; the following is our conservation reminder. Conservation of water is a year round consideration. Water should always be used wisely. Customers shall be required to adhere to the Moderate Conditions beginning May 1 through September 30 on an annual basis.
Mild Conditions – We recommend watering twice per week between the hours of 7:00 pm through 10:00 am.
Moderate Conditions (Mandatory from May 1 through September 30; Voluntary from October 1 through April 30) – Watering lawns restricted to twice weekly based on the last digit in your address between the hours of 7:00 pm through 10:00 am. Washing of paved areas not allowed.
Use the schedule below for landscape irrigation. Watering is restricted to the hours of 7:00 pm through 10:00 am.
Odd numbered addresses:Â Wednesdays and Saturdays
Even numbered addresses:Â Thursdays and Sundays
Tuesdays and Fridays
When we observe violations of the above procedures we will take the following actions:
First documented violation, the violator shall be given a notice specifying the type of violation and the date and time it was observed.
Second documented violation, the violator shall be criminally responsible for the violation of the Drought Contingency Plan, punishable by a fine of $200.
Third documented violation, the violator shall be criminally responsible for the violation of the Drought Contingency Plan, punishable by a fine of $500.
Fourth documented violation, the District shall, upon due notice to the customer, discontinue water service to the premises where such violations occur.
We will utilize all available media to notify customers of any changes of conditions in effect and the actions being triggered. This includes local television channels, Lake Travis View, Austin American Statesman, Homeowners News, Lakeway MUD web page and bulletin boards at City Hall and the District Office.
We thank you for sharing our concern for water conservation and for your cooperation during drought conditions. Working together, we can assure fair distribution of this precious resource to all.
The entire Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plan may be reviewed at the District’s Office, or at www.LakewayMUD.org.
Board of Directors
Lakeway Municipal Utility District
We are currently under MODERATE CONDITIONS.