
When can you water your lawn?

There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding irrigation schedules and rightly so! If you’ve watched or read the news lately, you may have seen a lot of seemingly conflicting information about watering restrictions. It’s important to know that every utility/water provider implements different restrictions that impact their customer base only. If you are wondering when you are allowed to water your lawn, check with the provider of your water.

For Lakeway MUD customers, we have had one-day per week irrigation restrictions since September 2022. This is an ongoing effort in response to the drought to further help limit water use. Restrictions apply to the outdoor use of an in-ground/automatic irrigation system or hose-end sprinkler. No watering is allowed between 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. to limit evaporation and maximize absorption. LMUD customers are asked to irrigate only on their assigned irrigation day based on the last digit of their address:

MONDAY: addresses ending in 1 or 3
TUESDAY: addresses ending in 2 or 4
WEDNESDAY: addresses ending in 5 or 7
THURSDAY: addresses ending in 6 or 8
FRIDAY: addresses ending in 9 or 0
SATURDAY: reserved for commercial accounts

The LMUD Irrigation Schedule can be found on our website here: www.lakewaymud.org/customers/irrigation-schedule .

To help your irrigation system operate efficiently:

  • LMUD customers can utilize LCRA rebates towards evaluations on their automatic sprinkler systems and to help upgrade systems with water-efficient devices. Information can be found here: www.lcra.org/water/watersmart/rebates .
  • LMUD customers can receive free weekly personalized recommendations from WaterMyYard about how much they should water using information about their system and local weather data. For information, visit www.watermyyard.org .
  • Don’t “set it and forget it”. Electricity outages and storms can automatically reprogram your irrigation system causing you to irrigate more frequently (or less) than you expect. Check your system’s controller schedule frequently.

For additional information on your home’s water use, log in or signup for a free WaterSmart account. LMUD customers are able to track their hourly and daily water usage, self-identify and resolve leaks, understand where their water is being used, compare their water use to similar households, and set water use alerts. For more information, visit www.lakewaymud.org/update/watersmart .