LMUD Out of District Wastewater Project Public Meetings

As published in Lakeway Voice, April 2019 .
LMUD Out of District Wastewater Project Public Meetings
Date: Thursday, May 9
Times: 10:30am AND 5:30pm
Location: Lakeway Activity Center
Description: Lakeway MUD (LMUD), a local water services provider, is hosting two public meetings pertaining to the Out of District Wastewater (OODWW) Project to bring a public sewer system to the Old Lakeway area. The Project was announced February 2018 and approved by the LMUD board in May 2018 following a public survey that established adequate interest to move forward. Since then, the Project has been in its pilot phase as LMUD hooks up certain homes in the area where homeowners notified LMUD of a failed septic tank. Phase 1 was set to begin at the beginning of April (at time of publishing) which affects all homeowners around the Live Oak Golf Course, consisting of approx. 230 homes. The remaining approx. 770 homes are scheduled for Phase 2. Please join Earl Foster, LMUD General Manager and his team for an update and future plans on the Project. Come prepared with questions which will be held for the end of the presentation. There are two times with the same presentation being presented. For questions, contact LMUD Customer Service at (512) 261-6222 x110.